
Sedation Dentistry

in Everett, WA

For some people, a trip to the dentist is a very stressful time. Dental phobia and fear of pain are not uncommon in dental patients.

For people who need help relaxing in the dentist chair, sedation dentistry is available.

  • Oral sedation: Taken the night before or the day of the appointment, oral sedatives relax but are not for pain relief.
  • Nitrous oxide: “Laughing gas” is inhaled through a mask to relax, with a local anesthetic used to eliminate pain.

Sedation Dentistry Near Me

Madison Street Dental Clinic in Everett, WA, makes your dental visit as comfortable as possible so you can enjoy the benefits of regular dentist visits and a clean oral bill of health.

Call us and schedule your appointment today!

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We'd love to hear from you. Feel free to contact us via email and we'll happily answer any questions or concerns that you may have. Talk to you soon!